Chat Nick Name:«Jëňňÿ77»
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Join Date: Thursday, August 9, 2007
I Emerge
For like that of a dragonfly,
I emerge from a dark place
of water finding my way out.
To seeking the warmth of the sun,
that shall dry my wings enough
to take flight.
For the air, after my transformation
will be my destiny!
My brilliant colored wings
hold only that of strength,
for which the sun will have no choice,
but to reflect the power and presence
of my light and love.
With strength I shall bend, shift and
sore with grace, for the air will be my living space.
Then and only then, shall my own true colors be shown
and let my light shine forth in the air I call home.
For I shall no longer be emerged in darkness...
only light!