Chat Nick Name:Ŧ~Guŋ™
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Location:United States of America
Join Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Well lets see, I'm working as a CNC Operator for a local machine shop, enjoy photography and wouldn't mind being able to convert myself into a travel photographer however I need money so day job for now I guess.
I have an open mind and perverted sense of humor. Some of my hobbies are of course Photography as well as Camping, Fishing and I'm a licenced radio operator holding a Technician Class licence. As for my radio hobby I enjoy fox hunts, and weather spotting for the National Weather Service. Anything else... just ask.
Hiking a trail only to cross the path of a Bag of Doritos
Photography, kayaking and wilderness travel
One cannot escape one's self.