Chat Nick Name:Tee42
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Join Date: Friday, February 2, 2007
I am an expatriate, not to be confused with an expatriot and often live in another country. I have a BS in BS from F.U. {Florida University}. Also working on my PHD {Piled Higher and Deeper} in massage therapy. So if I rub you the wrong way it just may be intentional.
I have a home in Bogota, Colombia in a place called "SALITRE". What makes that a little interesting is salitre translated to english means "Saltpeter" the primary ingredient for gunpowder. It is also reputed that when ingested it diminishes the male sex drive. This knowledge does give me pause especially at my advanced age, however Pfizer Phamaceutical, the maker of viagra, has a corporate office across the street from where I live in a building surrounded by armed guards with dogs that can sniff out explosives.
I spend a lot of time in South America where I give billiard lessons in 8,9 and straight for a few shots of aquardiente however I have been receiving an occasional lesson in tres bandis.