bluebird's Profile

bluebird Profile Photo

General Information

Chat Nick Name:bluebird
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Location:United Kingdom
Join Date: Sunday, September 17, 2006

About Me

Born in the Netherlands, I have   been given British citizenship, 
living in UK now for 34 yrs, I am a retired ballet-and flamenco dancer.
have worked for Dutch television and been an assistant of a magician . I have 2 sons + 6 grands.

Favorite Things

Hobbies and Interests

I love a good night out in good company, have fun, meal and a bottle of wine, 
with good back-ground music. I like too travel with the right person, are 
honest and romantic.Hurt me, and I am not so nice. I am a keen follower of 
Manchester City. My interest at the moment is my Bambi motorhome and I go 
to the rally's as much as I can. I like making cards and my clayfigures on
 plaques, mostly of footballers, Whats your team? I make them!!

Favorite Quote