pam819's Profile

pam819 Profile Photo

General Information

Chat Nick Name:pam819
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Location:United States of America
Join Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008

About Me

A Hillbilly Buckey

Favorite Things

Dislike Liars and folks that put on airs.

Hobbies and Interests

Crocheting Dolies, Computer, Doing Crossword puzzles.

Favorite Quote

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm,
she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile,
she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.'