Pun's Profile

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General Information

Chat Nick Name:Pun
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Join Date: Friday, June 6, 2008

About Me

According to the most recent study Orangutans, next to man are the most intelligent animals on earth {Bush was excluded in that survey}. I am smarter than other chimps and the president however that still may make me an idiot. We as a nation of 300+ million people have chosen a multi-cultured and talented simian to represent us in this world of diversity -- I wish him well.

Favorite Things

I am old and sadly in almost every presidential election in my life I have had to vote for or against a Kennedy, Bush or Clinton. What has America become, a family monarchy? Jeb Bush is waiting his turn at the throne and Hillary will no doubt try again. Anyone else in this great country able to lead us to a better future?

Hobbies and Interests

Swinging from trees -- I consider it taking the high road however a roll in mud can be fun at times.

Favorite Quote

I excell in self depreciating humor also a moron that tries extremely hard not to prove it in a public forum. A PUN for the intellectually challenged, is a play on words or FUN  in my particular case.  I am also old and without trying to be political maybe it is time to turn this country over to the next generation. Could they possibly screw it up any worse than it is today?