»jd«'s Profile

»jd« Profile Photo

General Information

Chat Nick Name:»jd«
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Location:United Kingdom
Join Date: Monday, April 14, 2008

About Me

Came into chat out of curiosity in spring 2000, the rest is history, as some people out there know!!

Favorite Things

Hobbies and Interests

Chat, red wine, flight sims. I am having flying lessons, almost ready for solo. I like red wine and all types of music. Sex Pistols to Strauss via Supremes! Favourite place -anywhere I can be with someone nice. Entertaining ladies. Computer, electronics, technology. Flying, flight sims and flying without wings! Science fiction books and films(no I'm not a Trekkie although Star Trek is OK). LEXX is excellent. I cook a mean spagbog. Red wine.

Favorite Quote

"Worlds may change, galaxies disintegrate, but a woman... always remains a woman." Capt. James T. Kirk "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is reaction, both are transformed..." C.G. Jung