Chat Nick Name:»jd«
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Location:United Kingdom
Join Date: Monday, April 14, 2008
Came into chat out of curiosity in spring 2000, the rest is history, as some people out there know!!
Chat, red wine, flight sims. I am having flying lessons, almost ready for solo. I like red wine and all types of music. Sex Pistols to Strauss via Supremes! Favourite place -anywhere I can be with someone nice. Entertaining ladies. Computer, electronics, technology. Flying, flight sims and flying without wings! Science fiction books and films(no I'm not a Trekkie although Star Trek is OK). LEXX is excellent. I cook a mean spagbog. Red wine.
"Worlds may change, galaxies disintegrate, but a woman... always remains a woman." Capt. James T. Kirk "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is reaction, both are transformed..." C.G. Jung