ÇøldKñïght's Profile

ÇøldKñïght Profile Photo

General Information

Chat Nick Name:ÇøldKñïght
Real Name:,
Marital Status:Undisclosed
Join Date: Friday, June 9, 2006

About Me

Ţð łįŧŧłe ţð šąŷ ăńđ ţő mūçh šÞăçę ţo şąŷ įŧ įń. - what would you want to know, do you think the truth would impress you on here and what if it did, what would it matter

Favorite Things

Ēvęŕŷťħįńĝ ąñď ęvēŕŷbőđŷ. - i find myself surrounded by dislikes, since all my likes left me

Hobbies and Interests

Ŝmîlįńĝ aş ĺ ďŕįñķ ŷőūŕ Þðįsðñ. - written long ago but still seems to apply today, but yet i keep going

Favorite Quote

Şőmē ąŕę bðŗñ ŧŏ şwēęţ đēĺįĝħţ šðmę ăŕę bőŗñ ŧŏ ēñđlęşş ńįĝħŧ. - in the end we all chase after our delights, only the few reach it